Conservation Finance Pavilion

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 How to Implement Local Financial Mechanisms in Your Protected Area

September 5th

Session Description

Almost all protected areas are facing financing issues that affect their efficiency and the sustainability of their activities. Local financing mechanisms can bridge a large part of the financing gap for impact and sustainability. Local solutions are often easier to implement than complex financial mechanisms and can be implemented directly by protected areas agencies or managers. This session will focus on concrete examples, commented by MPA managers who have implemented them: visitor fees, concessions, and revolving fund for conservation. A new a guide for practical development of local financial mechanisms in protected areas will be presented (hard copies will be available). The event is hosted by Blueseeds and MAVA foundation.


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Speakers and Panelists

Adèle de Toma
Director of Operation, BlueSeeds
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Marina Gomei
MPA Officer - WWF
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Manel ben Ismail
Chef de projet principal - Notre Grand Bleu
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Sandro Dujmovic
National Park Brijuni
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Fernando Ruiz Iglesias
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Guillaume Leport
MPA Project Manager - BlueSeeds
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