Costa Rica

Upcoming CFA Webinar: A research and policy agenda for establishing a “Blue Fund” for the conservation and restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems in Costa Rica

Date: January 15th 2020

Time: 12pm EST

RSVP is kindly requested of all participants.

Costa Rica has ten times more marine area than terrestrial area, with a variety of marine and coastal ecosystems that provide valuable goods and services to society at many scales. Nevertheless, these ecosystems have been significantly degraded by unsustainable economic activities mainly because of the public good nature of marine and coastal ecosystem services. They are undervalued or not valued at all under current markets, and lack the appropriate institutions and mechanisms to internalize their value in order to better manage them. As a solution to this research and policy gap, the creation of the Blue Fund is proposed, a new PES scheme focused on marine and coastal ecosystems with the goal of conserving, enhancing and restoring them. To build this new scheme, a six-step process was designed.

GoTo Meeting Call-in Information

CFA Webinar: Blue Fund in Costa Rica with Marcello Hernandez
Wed, Jan 15, 2020 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EST)

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