Webinar: What's New (January)

As a follow-up to the publication of the 2020 edition of the Practice Standards for Conservation Trust Funds (link to download), we are pleased to announce a series of monthly webinars exploring the Standards in more depth. Each webinar, to be held on the third Tuesday of the month, will focus on specific content of the 2020 edition (Core Areas and/or Cross-Cutting Themes). The webinars are hosted by the CFA's Environmental Funds Working Group.

The first webinar, on Tuesday, 19 January at 11 am Eastern, will introduce key changes in the 2020 edition. The upcoming webinar will include an overview on what is new in the 2020 edition of the Standards, a case study on the Caribbean Biodiversity Fund's use of the Standards, and time for a robust Q&A with the audience.

Meet the Speakers and Panelists:

Zdenka Piskulich - President of RedLAC and Co-Chair of the CFA's Environmental Funds Working Group. Moderator.

Paquita Bath - Aligning Visions and co-author of the Practice Standards for Conservation Trust Funds, 2020 update.

Viviana Lujan - Conservation Finance Specialist, Wolfs Company and co-author of the Practice Standards for Conservation Trust Funds, 2020 update.

Karen MacDonald Gayle - Caribbean Biodiversity Fund (CBF), will be sharing the CBF experience in using the Standards.

Vanessa Hartmann - KfW, will be sharing KfW's perspective on how the Practice Standards are useful from a donor viewpoint.