BACoMaB - Banc d'Arguin and Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Trust Fund

Foundation in Mauritania

The Banc d'Arguin and Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Trust Fund is a sustainable funding mechanism implemented to protect coastal and marine biodiversity in Mauritania. A charitable foundation under English law, BACoMaB is recognised as having a public service mission in Mauritania. BACoMaB's essential function is to implement financial mechanisms that mobilise funds to generate regular long-term income. BACoMaB capital is invested in ethical and socially responsible financial markets, generating profits used to fund conservation and sustainable development activities for the Banc d'Arguin and Diawling National Parks and other marine and coastal areas in Mauritania. BACoMaB provides additional resources to funds from the State and other donors, to guarantee the long-term payment of recurrent implementation costs for priority conservation activities for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs): surveillance, management, environmental monitoring and restoration, the development of local populations and environmental education.